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Implement Culturally Responsive Education in Sarasota County Schools
Petition to Shirley Brown, Chair of the Sarasota County School Board
To create an educational system that is equitable for students of all backgrounds, the School District of Sarasota County must enhance teacher training, implement diversified curricula, and take actionable steps to create a culture that fosters inclusion in our classrooms and our schools.
I, the undersigned, fully support the Sarasota Youth Council’s call for culturally responsive education in all schools under the Sarasota County School Board’s supervision and join the Sarasota Youth Council in calling for the Sarasota County School Board:
To Enhance Teacher Training.
To effectively provide instruction to a diverse group of learners, teachers must understand cultural differences and the rich cultural histories students bring with them into the classroom. Students thrive when educators respect and understand their culture, and educators are able to make meaningful connections with students and their families when they possess cultural competency.
I call for the District to require annual training for all teachers and school officials on:
a. respecting and understanding cultural diversity and the unique experiences each student brings in regards to diversity within the classroom;
b. increasing cultural competency, or the ability to understand, communicate, and effectively interact with students across all cultural and linguistic backgrounds;
c. recognizing and adjusting instruction around cultural biases found in textbooks;
d. and incorporating a comprehensive history that includes the contributions and experiences of all peoples, specifically Black and Indigenous, and the historical culmination of events that construct our present, into existing instruction and curricula.
To Diversify Curricula.
Curricula that incorporates a variety of cultural experiences is proven to increase empathy, foster cultural sensitivity, and provide students with intercultural understanding.
I call for the District to adopt curriculum that incorporates all cultures and embodies a global perspective in all aspects of learning.
In order to create knowledgeable students who are prepared to look critically at the world and develop global awareness, curriculum must be taught using a global perspective of Black and minority histories.
I call for the District to mandate a Black History or Ethnic Studies course as a requirement for high school graduation, beginning with the Class of 2026.
Student self-esteem and academic engagement levels improve when students see representations of themselves in literature. Moreover, a myriad of cultural perspectives in literature is beneficial to students living in an increasingly globalized society.
I call for the District to require all ELA classrooms include literature:
a. written by Black and minority authors;
b. with minorities cast as the main protagonists;
c. or about movements for equality or experiences with inequality and discrimination.
Students who are made active participants in their education show increased levels of academic engagement and performance. Textbooks that embody a culturally responsive lens increase students’ knowledge and understanding of cultural differences, their ability to acknowledge cultural assumptions and biases, and their ability to make changes in thought and behavior to address those biases. In accordance with Florida state mandate, student textbooks must be evaluated every five years.
I call on the District to appoint a student representative from each high school (who has been elected by the majority of their peers) to assist the District in reviewing, evaluating, and approving all changes to existing textbooks, and in reviewing, evaluating, and approving all new textbooks.
To Foster Inclusion.
The District has a responsibility to reflect its values in its workforce. Our academic community flourishes when educators reflect the diversity of the student population they serve. When students see reflections of themselves in their educators, innovation, problem-solving, and creativity drastically improve, along with inclusion and recognition of others.
I call for the District to increase hiring rates of teachers and school officials from underrepresented ethnic backgrounds to at least 37% by the 2023-2024 school year.
Schools that create welcoming and nurturing learning environments for students to improve student health and wellness; maximize learning outcomes; and increase student success. The District must build and maintain a climate of mutual respect and caring by incorporating a diverse range of cultures and experiences into the learning environment and by investing in each student’s success and sense of belonging.
I call on the District to foster inclusion by:
a. encouraging direct student-teacher communication on students’ cultures and backgrounds;
b. allowing students to evaluate the cultural competency of their courses at the conclusion of each academic semester;
c. and incorporating a more inclusive entry process to specialized and gifted programs by augmenting the accessibility of the testing process.
I call for students to have a voice in their own education.
I call for change.
**your signature**
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